Source code for gamelib.vector

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# pylint: disable=no-member, invalid-name

""" A simple little Vector class. Enabling basic 2D vector math. """

__author__ = "Sven Hecht"
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "1.0.1"
__maintainer__ = "Sven Hecht"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"

from random import *
from math import *

[docs]class Vector(object): """ The Vector class can represent a direction or a position in 2-dimensional space Examples: ( Vector(2, 5) + Vector(3, 1.5) ).getNormalized() Args: x (number/tuple/list/Vector, Optional): Represents the x dimension of the vector. If the first argument is a Vector, tuple or list the x and y dimensions will be initialized. The default x value is 0 y (number, Optional): Represents the y dimension of the vector. The default y value is 0 """ def __init__(self, x=0, y=0): """ Vector() """ self.x = 0 self.y = 0 if isinstance(x, tuple) or isinstance(x, list): y = x[1] x = x[0] elif isinstance(x, Vector): y = x.y x = x.x self.set(x, y) @staticmethod
[docs] def random(size=1): """ Creates a randomized Vector contained inside a square of the dimensions size x size. Args: size (number, Optional): Determines the max bounds of the new Random Vector. Default is 1. Returns: Vector: a new instance of type Vector """ sizex = size sizey = size if isinstance(size, tuple) or isinstance(size, list): sizex = size[0] sizey = size[1] elif isinstance(size, Vector): sizex = size.x sizey = size.y return Vector(random() * sizex, random() * sizey)
[docs] def randomUnitCircle(): """ Creates a randomized unit Vector that lies on the unit circle (circle of radius 1). Returns: Vector: a new instance of type Vector """ d = random()*pi return Vector(cos(d) * choice([1, -1]), sin(d) * choice([1, -1]))
[docs] def distance(a, b): """ Calculates the distance between 2 Vectors Args: a (Vector): the "from" point b (Vector): the "to" point Returns: Number: a number representing the distance between the to vectors (if they represent points in space) """ return (a - b).getLength()
[docs] def angle(v1, v2): """ Calculates the angle in Radian between 2 Vectors Args: a (Vector): first vector b (Vector): second vector Returns: Number: a number in radian representing the angle between the to vectors. """ return acos(v1.dotproduct(v2) / (v1.getLength() * v2.getLength()))
[docs] def angleDeg(v1, v2): """ Calculates the angle in Degree between 2 Vectors Args: a (Vector): first vector b (Vector): second vector Returns: Number: a number in degree representing the angle between the to vectors. """ return Vector.angle(v1, v2) * 180.0 / pi
[docs] def set(self, x, y): """ Updates the dimensions of the Vector. Args: x (number): the new value for the x dimension y (number): the new value for the y dimension """ self.x = x self.y = y
[docs] def toArr(self): """ Creates an array of the form [x, y] Returns: Array: an array representing the Vector """ return [self.x, self.y]
[docs] def toInt(self): """ Casts the dimensions to int Returns: Vector: a new Vector instance containing integer dimensions """ return Vector(int(self.x), int(self.y))
[docs] def toIntArr(self): """ Casts the dimensions to int and creates an array of the form [x, y] Returns: Vector: an new array of the Vectors dimensions casted to integer """ return self.toInt().toArr()
[docs] def clone(self): """ Clones the current Vector Returns: Vector: A new instance of the Vector """ return Vector(self.x, self.y)
[docs] def getNormalized(self): """ Creates a new normalized instance of the Vector Returns: Vector: A new instance of type Vector but normalized """ if self.getLength() != 0: return self / self.getLength() else: return Vector(0, 0)
[docs] def modulo(self, other): """ Calculates the modulo between this vector and the given value. Examples: Vector(16, 22).modulo( 5 ) => Vector(1, 2) Vector(13, 13).modulo( Vector(7, 5) ) => Vector(6, 3) Vector(13, 13).modulo( [7, 5] ) => Vector(6, 3) Vector(13, 13).modulo( (7, 5) ) => Vector(6, 3) Args: other (Vector/tuple/list/number): the value to perform the modulo function with Returns: Vector: A new Vector instance containing the calculated values """ if isinstance(other, Vector): return Vector(self.x % other.x, self.y % other.y) elif isinstance(other, tuple) or isinstance(other, list): return Vector(self.x % other[0], self.y % other[1]) else: return Vector(self.x % other, self.y % other)
[docs] def dotproduct(self, other): """ Calculates the dot product between this vector and the given value. Args: other (Vector/tuple/list): the value to perform the dot product function with Returns: Vector: A new Vector instance containing the calculated values Raises: NotImplemented for arguments of not accepted type """ if isinstance(other, Vector): return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y elif isinstance(other, tuple) or isinstance(other, list): return self.x * other[0] + self.y * other[1] else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """ Calculates the sum between this vector and the given value. Examples: Vector(16, 22) + 5 => Vector(21, 27) Vector(13, 13) + Vector(7, 5) => Vector(20, 18) Vector(13, 13) + [7, 5] => Vector(20, 18) Vector(13, 13) + (7, 5) => Vector(20, 18) Args: other (Vector/tuple/list/number): the value to perform the add function with Returns: Vector: A new Vector instance containing the sum of the values Raises: NotImplemented for arguments of not accepted type """ if isinstance(other, Vector): return Vector(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y) elif isinstance(other, tuple) or isinstance(other, list): return Vector(self.x + other[0], self.y + other[1]) elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): return Vector(self.x + other, self.y + other) else: return NotImplemented
def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other)
[docs] def __sub__(self, other): """ Calculates the difference between this vector and the given value. Examples: Vector(16, 22) - 5 => Vector(11, 17) Vector(13, 13) - Vector(7, 5) => Vector( 6, 8) Vector(13, 13) - [7, 5] => Vector( 6, 8) Vector(13, 13) - (7, 5) => Vector( 6, 8) Args: other (Vector/tuple/list/number): the value to perform the substract function with Returns: Vector: A new Vector instance containing the difference of the values Raises: NotImplemented for arguments of not accepted type """ if isinstance(other, Vector): return Vector(self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y) if isinstance(other, tuple) or isinstance(other, list): return Vector(self.x - other[0], self.y - other[1]) elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): return Vector(self.x - other, self.y - other) else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __rsub__(self, other): """ Calculates the difference between the given value and this vector. Examples: 5 - Vector(16, 22) => Vector(-11, -17) Vector(7, 5) - Vector(13, 13) => Vector( -6, -8) [7, 5] - Vector(13, 13) => Vector( -6, -8) (7, 5) - Vector(13, 13) => Vector( -6, -8) Args: other (Vector/tuple/list/number): the value to perform the substract function with Returns: Vector: A new Vector instance containing the difference of the values Raises: NotImplemented for arguments of not accepted type """ if isinstance(other, Vector): return Vector(other.x - self.x, other.y - self.y) elif isinstance(other, tuple) or isinstance(other, list): return Vector(other[0] - self.x, other[1] - self.y) elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): return Vector(other - self.x, other - self.y) else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): """ Calculates the product between this vector and the given value. Examples: Vector(16, 22) * 5 => Vector(80, 110) Vector(13, 13) * Vector(7, 5) => Vector(91, 65) Vector(13, 13) * [7, 5] => Vector(91, 65) Vector(13, 13) * (7, 5) => Vector(91, 65) Args: other (Vector/tuple/list/number): the value to perform the multiply function with Returns: Vector: A new Vector instance containing the product of the values Raises: NotImplemented for arguments of not accepted type """ if isinstance(other, Vector): return Vector(self.x * other.x, self.y * other.y) elif isinstance(other, tuple) or isinstance(other, list): return Vector(self.x * other[0], self.y * other[1]) elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): return Vector(self.x * other, self.y * other) else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __div__(self, other): """ Calculates the quotient between this vector and the given value. Examples: Vector(16, 22) / 5 => Vector( 3, 4) Vector(12, 13) / Vector(6, 5) => Vector( 2, 2) Vector(12, 13) / [6, 5] => Vector( 2, 2) Vector(12, 13) / (6, 5) => Vector( 2, 2) Vector(12.0, 13.0) / (6, 5) => Vector(2.0, 2.6) Args: other (Vector/tuple/list/number): the value to perform the division function with Returns: Vector: A new Vector instance containing the quotient of the values Raises: NotImplemented for arguments of not accepted type """ if isinstance(other, Vector): return Vector(self.x / other.x, self.y / other.y) elif isinstance(other, tuple) or isinstance(other, list): return Vector(self.x / other[0], self.y / other[1]) elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): return Vector(self.x / other, self.y / other) else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __rdiv__(self, other): """ Calculates the quotient between the given value and this vector. Examples: 22.0 / Vector(16, 22) => Vector(1.375, 1.0) Vector(22.0, 25.0) / Vector(16, 5) => Vector(1.375, 5.0) [22.0, 25.0] / Vector(16, 5) => Vector(1.375, 5.0) (22.0, 25.0) / Vector(16, 5) => Vector(1.375, 5.0) (22, 25) / Vector(16, 5) => Vector(1, 5) Args: other (Vector/tuple/list/number): the value to perform the division function with Returns: Vector: A new Vector instance containing the quotient of the values Raises: NotImplemented for arguments of not accepted type """ if isinstance(other, Vector): return Vector(other.x / self.x, other.y / self.y) elif isinstance(other, tuple) or isinstance(other, list): return Vector(other[0] / self.x, other[1] / self.y) elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): return Vector(other / self.x, other / self.y) else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __pow__(self, other): """ Calculates the power of this vector by the given value. Examples: Vector(6, 2) ** 5 => Vector(7776, 32) Vector(6, 2) ** 5.0 => Vector(7776.0, 32.0) Args: other (number): the value to perform the exponentiation with Returns: Vector: A new Vector instance containing the result of the calculation Raises: NotImplemented for arguments of not accepted type """ if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): return Vector(self.x ** other, self.y ** other) else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __iadd__(self, other): """ Calculates the sum between this vector and the given value in place. Examples: Vector(16, 22) += 5 => Vector(21, 27) Vector(13, 13) += Vector(7, 5) => Vector(20, 18) Vector(13, 13) += [7, 5] => Vector(20, 18) Vector(13, 13) += (7, 5) => Vector(20, 18) Args: other (Vector/tuple/list/number): the value to perform the add function with Returns: Vector: itself, containing the sum of the values Raises: NotImplemented for arguments of not accepted type """ if isinstance(other, Vector): self.x += other.x self.y += other.y return self elif isinstance(other, tuple) or isinstance(other, list): self.x += other[0] self.y += other[1] return self elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): self.x += other self.y += other return self else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __isub__(self, other): """ Calculates the difference between this vector and the given value in place. Examples: Vector(16, 22) -= 5 => Vector(11, 17) Vector(13, 13) -= Vector(7, 5) => Vector( 6, 8) Vector(13, 13) -= [7, 5] => Vector( 6, 8) Vector(13, 13) -= (7, 5) => Vector( 6, 8) Args: other (Vector/tuple/list/number): the value to perform the substract function with Returns: Vector: itself, containing the difference of the values Raises: NotImplemented for arguments of not accepted type """ if isinstance(other, Vector): self.x -= other.x self.y -= other.y return self elif isinstance(other, tuple) or isinstance(other, list): self.x -= other[0] self.y -= other[1] return self elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): self.x -= other self.y -= other return self else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __imul__(self, other): """ Calculates the product between this vector and the given value in place. Examples: Vector(16, 22) *= 5 => Vector(80, 110) Vector(13, 13) *= Vector(7, 5) => Vector(91, 65) Vector(13, 13) *= [7, 5] => Vector(91, 65) Vector(13, 13) *= (7, 5) => Vector(91, 65) Args: other (Vector/tuple/list/number): the value to perform the multiply function with Returns: Vector: itself, containing the product of the values Raises: NotImplemented for arguments of not accepted type """ if isinstance(other, Vector): self.x *= other.x self.y *= other.y return self elif isinstance(other, tuple) or isinstance(other, list): self.x *= other[0] self.y *= other[1] return self elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): self.x *= other self.y *= other return self else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __idiv__(self, other): """ Calculates the quotient between this vector and the given value in place. Examples: Vector(16, 22) /= 5 => Vector( 3, 4) Vector(12, 13) /= Vector(6, 5) => Vector( 2, 2) Vector(12, 13) /= [6, 5] => Vector( 2, 2) Vector(12, 13) /= (6, 5) => Vector( 2, 2) Vector(12.0, 13.0) /= (6, 5) => Vector(2.0, 2.6) Args: other (Vector/tuple/list/number): the value to perform the division function with Returns: Vector: itself, containing the quotient of the values Raises: NotImplemented for arguments of not accepted type """ if isinstance(other, Vector): self.x /= other.x self.y /= other.y return self elif isinstance(other, tuple) or isinstance(other, list): self.x /= other[0] self.y /= other[1] return self elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): self.x /= other self.y /= other return self else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __ipow__(self, other): """ Calculates the power of this vector by the given value in place. Examples: Vector(6, 2) **= 5 => Vector(7776, 32) Vector(6, 2) **= 5.0 => Vector(7776.0, 32.0) Args: other (number): the value to perform the exponentiation with Returns: Vector: itself, containing the result of the calculation Raises: NotImplemented for arguments of not accepted type """ if isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): self.x **= other self.y **= other return self else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ The Equality comparer. Examples: Vector(6, 2) == Vector(6, 2) => True Vector(6, 2) == Vector(6, 3) => False Args: other (Vector): the other Vector to compare this one to Returns: Boolean: a bool representing the result of the comparison Raises: NotImplemented for arguments of not accepted type """ if isinstance(other, Vector): return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): """ The Unequality comparer. Examples: Vector(6, 2) != Vector(6, 2) => False Vector(6, 2) != Vector(6, 3) => True Args: other (Vector): the other Vector to compare this one to Returns: Boolean: a bool representing the result of the comparison Raises: NotImplemented for arguments of not accepted type """ if isinstance(other, Vector): return self.x != other.x or self.y != other.y else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __gt__(self, other): """ The greater than comparer. Examples: Vector(6, 2) > Vector(5, 1) => True Vector(6, 2) > Vector(7, 3) => False Vector(6, 2) > Vector(6, 2) => False Args: other (Vector): the other Vector to compare this one to Returns: Boolean: a bool representing the result of the comparison Raises: NotImplemented for arguments of not accepted type """ if isinstance(other, Vector): return self.getLength() > other.getLength() else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __ge__(self, other): """ The greater than equals comparer. Examples: Vector(6, 2) >= Vector(5, 1) => True Vector(6, 2) >= Vector(7, 3) => False Vector(6, 2) >= Vector(6, 2) => True Args: other (Vector): the other Vector to compare this one to Returns: Boolean: a bool representing the result of the comparison Raises: NotImplemented for arguments of not accepted type """ if isinstance(other, Vector): return self.getLength() >= other.getLength() else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): """ The less than comparer. Examples: Vector(6, 2) < Vector(5, 1) => False Vector(6, 2) < Vector(7, 3) => True Vector(6, 2) < Vector(6, 2) => False Args: other (Vector): the other Vector to compare this one to Returns: Boolean: a bool representing the result of the comparison Raises: NotImplemented for arguments of not accepted type """ if isinstance(other, Vector): return self.getLength() < other.getLength() else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __le__(self, other): """ The less than equals comparer. Examples: Vector(6, 2) <= Vector(5, 1) => False Vector(6, 2) <= Vector(7, 3) => True Vector(6, 2) <= Vector(6, 2) => True Args: other (Vector): the other Vector to compare this one to Returns: Boolean: a bool representing the result of the comparison Raises: NotImplemented for arguments of not accepted type """ if isinstance(other, Vector): return self.getLength() <= other.getLength() else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Calculates the magnitude of the vector. Examples: len(Vector(1, 0)) => 1 len(Vector(0, 2)) => 2 Args: other (Vector): the other Vector to compare this one to Returns: Number: The magnitude of the vector """ return int(sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2))
[docs] def getLength(self): """ Calculates the magnitude of the vector. Examples: Vector(1, 0).getLength() => 1 Vector(0, 2).getLength() => 2 Args: other (Vector): the other Vector to compare this one to Returns: Number: The magnitude of the vector """ return sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)
def __getitem__(self, key): if key == "x" or key == "X" or key == 0 or key == "0": return self.x elif key == "y" or key == "Y" or key == 1 or key == "1": return self.y def __str__(self): return "[x: %(x)f, y: %(y)f]" % self def __repr__(self): return "{'x': %(x)f, 'y': %(y)f}" % self def __neg__(self): return Vector(-self.x, -self.y)