Source code for gamelib.animatedgameobject

# -*- coding: utf8 -*- 

from vector import *
from librgb import *
from gameobject import *
from animation import *

[docs]class AnimatedGameObject(GameObject): """ The AnimatedGameObject is able to let a pixel animate between two colors. """ def __init__(self, position, color1, color2=None, animationDuration=1, loop=AnimationLoopType.Loop, algorithm=AnimationAlgorithm.Linear): GameObject.__init__(self) self.position = position self.color1 = self.color = color1 if color2 is None: self.color2 = self.color1 else: self.color2 = color2 self.animation = Animation(self.color1, self.color2, animationDuration, loop, algorithm) self.velocity = Vector(0, 0) self.speed = 20 self.friction = 0.7
[docs] def update(self, dt): """ The update method should be called regularily. It calculates the next animation step """ GameObject.update(self, dt) self.animation.update(dt) self.color = self.animation.getValue() self.position += (self.velocity * dt) * self.speed self.position = self.position.modulo(Vector(PIXEL_DIM_X, PIXEL_DIM_Y)) self.velocity *= self.friction
[docs] def draw(self, rgb): """ The draw method should be called regularily. It draws the next frame """ for x in range(self.width): for y in range(self.height): rgb.setPixel(self.position + Vector(x, y).toIntArr(), self.color)